When my mom and I got to her school, they had already started the parade. Ashlyn is still in the young toddler room. She will be moving next week. There are not very many kids in her room. The only other kid that was there today, is a 12-month old boy. So, Ashlyn was walking with her teacher and the other boy. Once she saw me, she ran right towards me. She insisted that I hold her for the rest of the parade. It was kind of a bummer, because no one could really see her costume.
After the parade, we went back to her room. She got to eat a yummy cupcake which she loved. They had made this beanbag game that she really enjoyed. It was nice because we got to see her in her classroom and had an idea of how she interacts at school. Ashlyn sang us a song about a square with her teacher. She did such a good job of singing along and it was just too cute! Ashlyn even got a treat bag with lots of goodies including bubbles.
As many of you know, my baby is turning 2 next Friday. How she is already 2, is beyond me. Anyway, she will be moving up to the next room next week. We got to stop by her new room and met her teacher. Her teacher seems very nice and full of energy. Her new room will be much better for her because there are a lot more kids that are her age.
After seeing her new classroom, we went and got her face painted. Once the face painter saw Ashylyn was Ariel, she immediately decided she needed bubbles on her face. Ashlyn surprised me and sat very still. It turned out so cute! We headed home so Ashlyn could show her Dad all the fun she had. It really was a lot of fun and a great warm-up for the big night tomorrow night. I can't wait to take Ashlyn out Trick or Treating this year. Last year, she was just too young to understand. This year she has more of an idea. She has even been practicing saying "Trick or Treat". I will post lots of pictures from tomorrow night.