Things continue to go very well with this pregnancy. I don't want to jinx myself, but I honestly couldn't have asked for a more perfect pregnancy. It has been so easy. The only difficult part has been the exhaustion. I never remember being this tired with Ashlyn. Of course, I didn't have a 2 year-old and work full time when I was pregnant with her. I swear I could sleep for 24 hours straight and still be tired!!! By the end of the work week, I am just done. I know it is only going to get worse and I'm so dreading it!
I had a doctor's appointment this week. It was exciting because I got another ultrasound. The last one they did at 17 weeks, didn't allow them to see the heart as close as they wanted to. The tech said his heart looked gorgeous. She said he looks perfect. He was being very active and stubborn. Sounds like his sister! I just love getting to see him. They will do the 3d ultrasound at 28 weeks which I am so excited for!!! I can't wait to see his little face!
We are still nowhere near picking a name for this little boy. For now, we just call him Baby Brother. Ashlyn loves calling him that. She is such a good sister. She kisses my stomach, talks to him, and is always very concerned how he is doing. I still can't come up with any names that I like. There are 2 that I'm kind of liking, so we will see. I think when it gets closer to crunch time, we will come up with something. I always work best under pressure.
Now that I am 21 weeks, I finally am feeling consistent movement. As I mentioned before, I have yet another anterior placenta (placenta is in the front). I hate it so much. While most people have been feeling kicks for weeks, nothing for me. However, this week has changed. I feel him a lot more now. They are still subtle, but it reassures me that he is doing okay in there. I can't wait until they become more noticeable so Joey and Ashlyn can feel him too.
We bought paint this morning, and Joey is going to start on his room today. We have the room cleared and all ready to make it into a beautiful nursery. I'm not doing a"theme", just going with a color palette that I'm just crazy about. I can't wait until it's done. I took before shots today, and will post when there is more to see. I can't believe that it's almost October. I'm trying to really get a move on things for the baby. With the holidays, numerous birthdays, work, and all the other craziness that comes this time of the year, February will be here in no time!