On Sunday we took Ashlyn to the zoo for the first time. We had a great time. We ended up buying a zoo membership so we can go as much as we want. We saw lots of animals. We saw giraffes, elephants, monkeys, and bears to name a few. The zoo was quite crowded so it was difficult to see the animals at times. I think Ashlyn enjoyed looking at the people more than the animals! The zoo has recently undergone a major renovation and it is really a wonderful zoo. We left the zoo after about an hour or so.
After the zoo, we headed up to see Joey's family in Buena Vista. Ashlyn was very exhausted from the zoo and slept the entire time in the car. We went out to lunch and then went back to Joey's Dad's house. They own 4 horses and Ashlyn got to see them for the first time. She seemed pretty interested in them. She even got to "ride" one. It was the cutest thing in world. I really think since her Grandpa has horses she will LOVE horses. What little girl doesn't? When we were at the zoo we saw they were charging $5.00 to ride a pony twice around a tiny ring. Joey and I laughed because we won't ever have to pay for Ashlyn to ride a horse.
Today we took Ashlyn to get her pictures taken. I tried yet another new place. By far this is the best one we have gone to. The photographer was wonderful and the entire time she kept asking me if this is what I had in mind. They turned out WONDERFUL!!! They are so cute! As usual it is so hard to pick which ones to get. Luckily, they do not take tons so it is much easier to narrow it down. We were totally shocked when they told us our pictures would be ready in 10 minutes. Usually it takes most places 10 minutes to just pull the pictures up on a computer to view them. Then, you have to wait at least 2 weeks to get them. We are definitely going there from now on. The nice thing is we have them to take to New York with us to give to family.
Ashlyn has starting to click her tongue this week. It is the cutest, funniest thing in the world. She just started doing it one day in the car. She will randomly do it. She also got to try some mashed up potatoes tonight. She even fed herself. I got pictures but it was on my Mom's camera. Next time she does it I will take some with my camera.
Well, that is all for this week. We are looking forward to the nice, long holiday weekend at home. The next two weekends we will be in New York which we are very excited for!
Posing for a quick picture.
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