Monday, September 8, 2008

10 Months

On Saturday, Ashlyn turned 10 months old. She had a very good day. We went out to lunch and she got to have some delicious macaroni and cheese. Joey and I then took her to the park to play. There is a pretty nice little park by our house. There is never anyone there, so we like to take her there. She just loves the park. Joey and I took about 100 pictures when we were there. We did get some cute ones.

Ashlyn's personality continues to come out more and more each day it seems. She is a very laid back girl. She is almost always happy and smiling. She is also very determined. If I tell her not to touch something, it makes her want to do it that much more. She definitely knows what she wants. She is also really funny. She loves to laugh and make us laugh. She is very sweet.

Ashlyn is still very close to walking. I keep saying any day she is going to take off. One of her favorite things to do is to stand by herself. She holds her hands up to show us she is not touching anything. We start counting to see how long she can stand. She gets the biggest kick out of it. So far her record is 29 seconds. I need to get a picture to post on here.

Ashlyn is doing all sorts of new stuff. She is getting really good at saying Mama. When she is upset she just says Mama over and over. It breaks my heart. She also says Dada pretty regularly. She has started waving. It is pretty funny because she just holds her arm up with her first clenched. That is how she waves for now. She also loves to clap. If we start clapping she will do it too. Another thing that she does is gives Eskimo kisses. She gets the biggest kick out of it. Cell phones are hands down her favorite thing to play with. She can open and close them for hours. She has an old cell phone to play with, but she still prefers her Mom's cell phone.

Ashlyn is teething right now. This week has been a little hard on her. Poor thing is in pain. She is getting two teeth on the bottom and two teeth on the top. She seems to be in less pain over the last few days. I hate to see my baby hurt and I hope they don't bother her too much longer.

That is all I can think of for now. Below are a bunch of pictures from the park on Ashlyn's 10 month "birthday".

I think this one is too cute. It makes Joey look even taller.

Her new favorite place to ride.

She loves being thrown up in the air.

I wish we could have gotten a better picture of the two of us.

She got to swing with her Mom.

On the merry go round

She LOVES the slide. These pictures are funny because she looks like she is screaming, but she is actually laughing really hard.

This is one of my favorites.

Daddy and Ashlyn at lunch.

Ashlyn and Mommy at lunch

On the swings, her favorite!!!

She can never get enough of the swings.

1 comment:

Josey said...

Awww! Great pics. Garrett likes those swings too, but he leans forward and watches his shadow the whoel time.