Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Guess who???

Guess who is now officially walking? Ashlyn is!!!! We are so excited about this new development. I posted on Monday night, and talked about how Ashlyn was so close. We had been practicing with my Mom that night. At most she could only do 5-6 steps without falling. Well, on Tuesday morning, we wake up and she is walking like crazy! It literally happened overnight. She finally got up the nerve to take the plunge and walk. The night before she would only walk from piece of furniture to furniture. Tuesday, she walked from the dining room to the living room. She still crawls some, but really is walking a lot. It is just the cutest thing in the world. Again, I am going to try to post some video so everyone can see. Watching your child do new things never ceases to amaze and delight me!

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