Monday, November 17, 2008

Fun Fit

My friend, Kari, gave Ashlyn a session of Fun Fit classes at her dance studio. Unfortunately, the classes are only held in the morning on weekdays. My Mom is able to take her. They went last Tuesday and my Mom said she did wonderful! I was a little worried because she is by far the youngest one in her class. Most of the kids are 2 or 3 years old. My Mom said she just jumped right in. They played with a parachute and Ashlyn was not a bit afraid. They also played a "freeze" game in which they were supposed to "freeze" when the music stopped. Ashlyn has never done anything like this before. My Mom said she was so cute and actually froze when the music stopped with all of the other kids. My Mom said the other Mom's commented on how impressed they were being that she is so young. She gets to go back every Tuesday. I just wish I could go with her! I am going to have my Mom take pictures in one of the next coming weeks and I will post them on here.

We also discovered this week that Ashlyn can drink from a cup on her own. We usually only give it to her when she is in her highchair because it can get messy. She loves it though and is really good at it. We also discovered that she can drink from a straw. That is cute to see.

Ashlyn has also turned into quite the daredevil. She is constantly crawling on her walking stroller. She tries to stand on it. She also has learned to get on the couch. This one scares me because I am afraid that she is going to fall off. She just loves doing it and unfortunately I don't think I can stop her.

Here are some pictures from this week. As usual, they are out of order and I don't know how to remove pictures once I upload them. I wanted to show a progression of shots of her climbing on the couce, but they are backwards.

Sitting on the couch.
Almost there. Notice her toothpaste in her hand. It is hands down one of the favorite toys to carry around.

Getting ready to start the climb.

In her Broncos cheerleader outfit.

Drinking from a cup. She is such a big girl!

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