Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big Sister Ashlyn

Ashlyn is going to be a big sister February 1st!!!!!!!!! I don't think any of us could be more excited. I am so happy that Ashlyn will finally have a sibling. She needs one so badly. She is so excited to be a big sister. She talks about the baby all the time. She gives my stomach kisses every night. Today, she came into our room with a play cup and spoon. I asked her what it was for and she said, "To feed the baby". She then proceeded to feed my stomach. I guess the baby is hungry because she has fed my stomach a few more times today. I have been asking her for a long time if she wants a sister or brother. She has always said a sister, but she when referring to the baby, she calls it a brother. So, I'm a little confused.

This pregnancy has been completely different from my first one. With Ashlyn I was so sick the first trimester. I couldn't eat anything and ended up losing a lot of weight. This time, I had some nausea here and there, but nothing bad. I also got horrible headaches with Ashlyn. So bad I went to the hospital a few times for them. I haven't had bad headaches and I'm praying that I don't. I craved lots of sweets with Ashlyn, and this time I just crave food in general. I am hungry all the time. The differences lead me to believe that I'm having a boy. I honestly have had the perfect pregnancy so far.

I have an appointment this Tuesday. I was told I would be having an ultrasound, so I'm hoping to find out what I'm having. We have a girl's name picked out, but no clue about a boy's name. I can honestly say we are 100% stumped when it comes to boys names. I want to start shopping and working on names if it is a boy. My sister is having a baby and she is due only 3 days before me!!! She found out she is having a girl, so either way Ashlyn's clothes will get use.

When I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks I was told my placenta is in the front again. I was very sad to hear this. When your placenta is in the front, it makes it much harder to feel movement. However, I have been feeling some movement. Nothing major, but I have felt the baby. I can't wait for Joey and Ashlyn to feel it too.

I've been feeling pretty good lately. My only complaint is total exhaustion. I don't think I have ever been this tired. I'm fortunate that I spent my entire first trimester on summer break. But, going back to work has been quite difficult. I walk in the door at night and just about collapse. I just finished the first week of school and I'm a little overwhelmed with my class this year. I think this class will definitely be my most challenging yet. I pray for the strength to get through it.

Okay, that is the baby update for now. I will continue to update baby news!

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