At 5 months, Dawson is doing so much more than he was even doing a month ago. He is sitting up by himself for about 20 seconds before toppling over. I think he will be a pro at it in no time. He is on the move these days. He is constantly rolling and scooting. When he is playing on a blanket, I am often amazed at how far he can move himself in just a matter of seconds. He is really going places. He is so interested in toys now and already has a few favorites. He loves entertaining himself with a toy while in his carseat. He loves to be entertained by Ashlyn. When he is in his excersaucer, she will often come over and talk and play with him and he loves every minute of it. Dawson seems to be doing everything at almost the exact same time that Ashlyn did. If this continues, he's going to be pulling himself up on furniture at 7 months and walking at 9 months. I can't believe it could be that soon!
Dawson's personality is emerging more and more. He continues to be very laid back. He is great at going with the flow as long as he is with his family. He is truly one of the sweetest babies I have ever been around. He is always so happy and smiling like crazy. He loves to get kisses and loves to cuddle with his mama. He is genuinely a sweet and happy baby. I couldn't ask for a better child.
Dawson still isn't sleeping very long stretches. He usually sleeps from 7:00 p.m. to anywhere from 12:00-2:00 a.m. This is still considered "sleeping through the night", but I still wish he were sleeping 9-12 hour stretches. He has come a very long way and I am happy with only one waking a night. I know it will continue to get better with time.
Dawson is going longer and longer between feedings. This is making things a lot easier on me especially when we are out and about and it is sometimes hard to feed him. He continues to thrive and grow. We won't be starting him on solids for another month or two. I want him to fully get all of the benefits of breastmilk before we start him on solids. I am no rush to start him on solids for many reasons. I am excited to see his reaction to food though. I bet we will get some great pictures.
Dawson continues to be the perfect addition to our family. I was just thinking today that I can't imagine life without him now. It truly feels like he has always been here. I continue to thank the Lord each and every day for blessing me with two amazing, beautiful, and wonderful children. We are truly blessed!
I took a bunch of pictures of Dawson on his actual 5 month "birthday". They all look somewhat similar, but I posted a bunch because I think each one captures Dawson in a little different way.