Monday, August 8, 2011

First Foods

We have finally started Dawson on solids. I wanted to introduce them slowly. This time I am making all of my own organic baby food. I also decided to skip rice cereal. It is so much fun to make the food. I also love knowing exactly what Dawson is eating. We started with a sweet potato. I didn't puree it because I am also exploring baby led weaning which involves giving babies cooked pieces of food and allowing them to feed themselves. The idea behind this is that it teaches them to eat only until they are full and not until someone stops spooing food into their mouth. It's supposed to teach them healthy eating habits for later on in life. I'm doing this along with some purees. It's just too fun making food. So far Dawson loves bananas the most. He is also a big fan of avacados and peaches. He didn't like peas the first time we gave them, but I gave them to him two more nights and he grew to like them. Here are some pictures from his first food experiences.

All clean ready to eat. He thought he would just eat the bib.

Wasn't too sure what to think.

What is this?

Ashlyn was very excited for Dawson to finally be able to eat real food.

As you can tell by his face, he wasn't too sure what to think.

Big boy feeding himself

Still really likes the bib

He really was enjoying it.

What a mess!

Look at the way he looks at Ashlyn.

Trying some peas

He always goes for the bowl.

The peas were very messy

Some how a picture of Alli snuck in here.

Another random picture that snuck in here.

Ashlyn loves feeding her brother. I am so lucky to have such a good helper.

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