Thursday, December 31, 2020

December Random

 Here are some random pictures from the month of December!  

The girls love to take baths in the big bath tub.  

The epic house by my parents did their light show this year (they didn't have it last year).  It is so incredible and people drive from all over town to watch it.  One night, we grabbed hot chocolate and went to watch it.  We sat their for over an hour and never saw the same song twice.  

Every Sunday, Joey brings us donuts and the kids really look forward to it.  Dawson tried an apple fritter one week and he wasn't disappointed!  

We had some nice days, which we took full advantage of by going on a bike ride.  

My mom's birthday is also in December, so we celebrated at Katy's house with her favorite dinner and dessert.  

One day it was even nice enough to wear shorts outside!  

Emmy discovered the Magnatiles and spent a lot of time building.  

Joey and I made our favorite jalapeño popper pizza for the first time in a really long time.  It is so good.  

Joey reads Emmy books every night before bed and these are here favorites.  

Steak and eggs for breakfast.  Yum!  

On my mission to organize, I bought a Lego cart and had the kids organize the Legos by color.  It kept them busy all day!  

  We have a closet in our basement that has become the closet of overflowing toys.  It isn't very deep, and we just have always shoved big toys in there.  The problem is that the kids can't actually access any of the toys, so it's pretty much a waste.  I made it my priority to get it organized.  Since the closet is also under the stairs, Joey pointed out he could tear down the back wall and make the closet bigger.  I encouraged him to do it!  In under and hour, I had a brand-new spacious closet!  We hired a sheet rocker to come over and sheetrock, texture, and paint the entire thing.  Joey then put down LVP.  I bought a really neat organizer for all the Barbie stuff.  I love the new closet and the kids can now actually play wit the toys!  

All of that was buried space that we weren't using

So much bigger!  

Winnie was not a fan of her special Christmas pajamas!  

New Year's Eve

    Despite the pandemic, our New Year's celebration was no different at all this year.  We always spend it at home with the Leone's.  This year, I got the idea to do a charcuterie board for dinner and dessert. Katy and I had a lot of fun picking out different items for the board.  It was a huge hit and we decided it will be our new tradition.  It was perfect to just snack on all night.  We also did a dessert one which the kids absolutely loved!   We played a bunch of different games.  Ashlyn got a new game for Christmas called Chameleon, it was so much fun and it had us all in stitches!  We hung out and waited for midnight.  Emmy went to bed at pretty much her normal time.  The rest of the kids made it to midnight.  Once it turned midnight, we had sparkling cider, said "Happy New Year" and all went to bed!  It was a fun night.  

Our spread.  It was soooo good!  

The kids had pizza.  They weren't too fond of the charcuterie board for dinner.  

Our dessert board.  It was such a hit.